My thriller film will be aimed at 15-30 year olds whom are male and female. This film will be uploaded to Jinjasnap YouTube so it will meet the age criteria and is friendly enough for the younger generation to watch and this will result in it reaching a large audience. I plan on filming this video in school, at the start it will be in a classroom and then the runaway scene will be filmed in the corridor (as there is only one way to go and it will be very narrow and tense).
3 boys have an eye for business. These 3 distinct, rebellious and loyal friends want to achieve wealth together but their personalities collide and the sloppy plan takes a turn.
The sloppy plan and clash in personalities foreshadows the downfall of the crew and how it will probably not be successful.
The first shot will be a close-up shot of one of the boys eyes looking at the thing he is eager to steal, transitioning to the thing and going back and forth to build tension and signify that he wants it and is going to get it. The video shows the bond between the boys and how they will do anything for each other yet being very bad as a team. After the first shot it will cut to the boys planning to steal it while their personalities are clearly presented as being very different. They proceed to steal the thing and this results in a chase which consists of intense music and a quick change in camera shots and angles.
I have made sure to have a wide range of personalities in the show to make it relatable for everyone and the young age of the people in the show means that the youth can relate as well as the older people looking back on their rebellious youth. This film is different from other thriller films as it is a group of good friends working with not a specific main antagonist rather then the generic thriller film which has one main antagonist and a maximum of 2 main characters. The main issue with the production is that I may need alternative locations which I do have.
I have completed the pitch so I (the pitcher) can pitch the pitch to potential investors and people who will potentially invest in the film to give them an idea of what the film will be about as well as giving key meanings that will be used. To do this I had to summarise the idea of the film and give the meanings behind what I have done. This will have a positive impact on my film as it will source budgeting
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